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标签:移频助听器  来源:济南助听器专卖网录入:济南声佳听力
移频济南助听器的优势左右耳听力完全相同,使用的是相同的型号的峰力移频助听器,右耳关闭移频功能,左耳开启移频功能,我们可以清楚的看到,移频助听器对于高频部分的补偿可以更好的让患者听到高频的S、SH等音,从而使发音更准确。 左耳开启移频功能,将患者
移频济南助听器的优势左右耳听力完全相同,使用的是相同的型号的峰力移频助听器,右耳关闭移频功能,左耳开启移频功能,我们可以清楚的看到,移频助听器对于高频部分的补偿可以更好的让患者听到高频的S、SH等音,从而使发音更准确。 左耳开启移频功能,将患者3500Hz之后的频率压缩之后放在2000Hz—3500Hz之间,其他中低频不受任何影响。这样能让高频损失严重或者缺失的患者也能很好的聆听到高频的声音。

Frequency shift Ji'nan hearing about the advantages of hearing the same, using the peak force the same model of frequency shifting device, the right ear off shift function, left ear opening frequency shift function, we can see clearly, frequency shifting device for high frequency part of the compensation may be better for patients at a frequency of S also, SH, so that more accurate pronunciation. The left ear opening frequency shift function, after the patients after 3500Hz frequency compression in 2000Hz - 3500Hz between, other low frequency has no effect. This can make high frequency loss or absence of patients can also very good to listen to high frequency sound.


It refers to wear hearing aids and no high frequency residual hearing or high frequency hearing is poor, will not the ordinary Ji'nan hearing aids hearing and important information to the high frequency words are still low frequency band, good residual hearing. Therefore, the frequency shift is the dynamic range of the residual hearing speech signal band width as much as possible matching to a hearing aid wearer is more sensitive, and attempt to make the deletion or ceases to exist (cochlear dead) high-frequency auditory hair cell responses, the hearing aid with better frequency shift function is INTEO (linear frequency shift), the mermaid series (compression frequency shift).



On the side of cochlear implanted patients, the other side ears can match with high frequency function (peak force frequency shifting technique) series of Ji'nan hearing aid.


The existing research institutions have clinical investigation, that the frequency shift of hearing aid and cochlear used in conjunction, can further improve the listening ability, there is no bilateral auditory imbalance report.
